Channel 7 Sunrise Interview – Sexting on the rise?

Ross Bark was recently on Channel Seven’s Sunrise discussing new details on young people and sexting.

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Bill to Stop Workplace Bullies – SMH Article

Victims of workplace bullying will be able to go to Fair Work Australia to seek an order preventing the offender from continuing to harass or intimidate.

Ross Bark said their workshops and the work of the foundation are designed to “prevent these horrible circumstances of bullying from happening to begin with rather than waiting for them to occur and picking up the pieces. That is too late – the damage is done, and we are saying enough is enough”.

Read more:

Clever geeks follow your data trail to find out everything about you

E-commerce guru Ross Bark, of Salmat Digital, said by merging information gathered from social media sites with existing databases, marketers were hoping to predict real-time purchasing behaviour.

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Channel Seven’s SUNRISE – How can we beat the Bullies?

Schools and the government have taken a stand against bullying.

What can be done to solve this issue? Ross Bark from Best Enemies Education and Australian RnB artist Feydee speak about the problem.

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